Attractions pour les visiteurs
Non seulement dans l'air, mais aussi au sol!
Toutes sortes d'activités qui se déroulent également sur le terrain constituent une excursion d'une journée brillante qui fera sourire tous les membres de la famille.
Nos experts vous présentent
Une sélection des activités et des stands : Nous sommes heureux de vous montrer ce que notre Force aérienne représente, ce que nous faisons tous les jours en plus d'être cool, flexibles et polyvalents !
Belgian Air Force Expo
With this exhibition, the Ministry of Defense wants to show the visitor how a modern Air Force
can protect the peace and security of our country and its inhabitants. Our
The Air Force is active both in Belgium and worldwide for your safety. In Belgium
a state-of-the-art radar center monitors the airspace around the clock. We keep
fighter aircraft ready to intervene if necessary when that airspace is violated
threatens to become. We save lives with our Search-and-Rescue helicopters.
Our transport aircraft support the deployment of our troops worldwide
foreign assignments or in the event of disasters. Our fighter planes and helicopters are ready
to intervene where necessary at the request of the government.
To carry out our tasks, the Air Component is looking for well-trained and qualified personnel
personnel to operate state-of-the-art aircraft, helicopters, drones and a host of others
maintain and operate weapon systems. Who of a career in the military
aviation dreams, find the information he or she is looking for here. In addition, the
visitors actually take a seat in one of the helicopters or in an F-16.

Visit the expo at the Airshow
The exhibition that takes the visitor along
behind the scenes of the air force of the future.
Our guides are ready for a guided visit. You can also freely visit the exhibition. Then you can contact our staff with all your questions.

Would you like to take a look behind the scenes of the Air Force of today and tomorrow?
Are you a speed demon and do you get goosebumps from an F-16 that tears through the airspace at great speed? Can't get enough of Tom Cruise and Top Gun?
Would you like to sit in the cockpit of an F-16 fighter yourself?
Maybe you are passionate about technology and want to know how the air force of the future will use the latest technological developments and augmented reality?
Activities for all ages
For the little ones, for the bigger children, for the daredevils, for everyone (without fear of heights)
Catering & Food
You can fully enjoy classics such as fries and burgers. In addition, a variety of food for young and old, soft drinks, beers and non-alcoholic drinks
Belgian Air Force Squadrons
349 Sqn, 31 Sqn, OCU Sqn, 1st Sqn,...
Trade Stands of our own Belgian Air Force and Defense, with sales items such as gadgets, posters, badges, scale models, books, ... are located in several parts of the show grounds.

349 Squadron
Sinds haar ontstaan draagt het Squadron de beroemde Fighter Spirit (La Chasse!) hoog in het vaandel en zorgt ze ervoor dat deze wordt overgedragen van generatie op generatie 349'ers.

31 Tiger Squadron
Het Tiger Squadron dat het hoogste niveau van operationele paraatheid demonstreert, dat uitblinkt in uitvoering en zeker niet onbelangrijk de beste TIGER SPIRIT uitdraagt.

OCU Squadron
“Semper Vulture”, de hoofdopdracht: onze nieuwe piloten opleiden tot een jong-ervaren element voor 1 van de 4 operationele smaldelen

1st Squadron
"Stingers" - Als het enige operationele squadron van België dat nog in actieve dienst is met wortels die teruggaan tot de Eerste Wereldoorlog, houden ze trots de tradities en strijdlust van onze luchtmacht hoog.

Vrieske Viper Demo
Er is één F-16 die ook een andere missie heeft dan enkel het luchtruim bewaken, verkennings -en gevechtsvluchten uitvoeren: de Dream Viper. Deze wordt door zijn piloot elke dag opnieuw tot het uiterste gepusht.
A selection of the activities and trade stands
Flying Dutchman
www.flyingdutchman.nlAviation merchandise, Caps, T-shirts, bags, patches, seats
Societé Timing
Spelletjes, T-shirts, zonnebrillen, plooistoeltjes,petjes, verrekijkers
Remove Before Flight (RBF)
www.rbf.plAviation related gadgets
Lupa Aircraft Models
www.lupa.nlAircraft models
Dump & zo
www.dumpenzo.comLuchtvaartartikelen en dumpwaren modelbouw
Sturmtiger modelbouw
www.sturmtiger.beModelbouw en miniaturen
www.gavox.comAviation and military goods
The Aviation Store
www.theaviationstore.netAviation souvenirs
Promo Sapiens NV
www.promosapiens.bePromoting Camera’s and lenses / Sales Filters, camerabags and tripods
Steffen Design
www.rscwatches.comAviation accesories, T-shirts, Caps, watches,….
Katholieke Hogeschool VIVES
www.vives.beNon Profit -> Education
www.bipt.beNon Commercial - Government -Radio Licence
Variphone International
www.variphone.comHearing Protection
Milispec International
www.milispec.comSmeermiddelen voor de luchtvaart- en defensie industrie,
gehoorbescherming -
Slovac Air Force Agency
www.slovakairforceagency.skMIG-29 theme T-shirts, patches,posters,….
KNVOL (Onze Luchtmacht)
www.onzeluchtmacht.nlNon Profit -> Leden werving
www.jets.itGadget Selling
Airbat srl / Flight Experience
www.flight-experience.beSimulator Experiences (small, single seat, cockpit size), badges, caps, coveralls
Are you ready for take off?
We present a total experience
A mix of modern technology interspersed with fun!!!