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See you for Belgian Air Force Days in 2026 !

Patrouille de France

Air force operations are often complex, and everything must run smoothly. This is perhaps even more crucial when the pride of the nation rests on your shoulders. In order to convey the most positive image possible, thorough professionalism and cooperation are necessary components for success.

That's why the team of the Patrouille de France, based at Salon-de-Provence in the South of France, consists of much more than pilots and mechanics. This team is supported by an entire organisation, including administration, logistics, its own flight safety team and even its own public relations office.

The Patrouille de France flies with eight Alpha Jet training aircraft, an aircraft that was also used in Belgium for the advanced flight training of fighter pilots until a few years ago. They are very popular guests all over the world thanks to their dynamic, swirling demonstration full of unique moments. During the first part, all aircraft fly aerobatic maneuvers in very tight formations, never leaving the view of the public. During the second part, the formation splits into several parts for breathtaking crossings and elegant breaks, always trailing patriotic blue-white-red smoke.

The team is celebrating its 70th birthday this year and we are delighted that they have included the Belgian Air Force Days in their busy 2023 anniversary tour. Don't miss their unique world class demonstration, which they will fly for you exclusively on Sunday 10 September at Kleine- Brogel!

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2026 Airshow

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