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See you for Belgian Air Force Days in 2026 !

General info about  Kleine-Brogel Air Base can be found on www.kleinebrogelairbase.be. For info about Belgian Air Force please consult website Mil.be

Phone Office: (+32) 02 44 33298
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Kleine-Brogel Air Base
O.L.Vrouwlaan 99
3990 Peer (BE)

Specific Contacts or Inquiries

Our Team is structured in main divisions, please consult them through the dedicated e-mail addresses.

  • Info BAFdays

    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

  • Trade Stands

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  • Crew & Ops

  • Media

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  • Press

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    Accreditation requests , please fill in the details

Sponsors en Partners
Met trots stellen wij de belangrijkste partners van de Belgian Air Force Days voor. Hun niet-aflatende steun aan ons evenement stelt ons in staat om ons prachtspektakel te organiseren

Jobs @ Defence

Defense is recruiting - with hundreds of vacancies every year, Defense is one of the largest employers in the country! Check it out through this website
or via telephone number 0800 33348


For general information about the Belgian Air Force, consult the contactpage or contact us via email: 
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2026 Airshow

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